Wednesday, October 2, 2013

My photo made it to the next round!

So the 1st or 2nd day I was here, one of my instructors took us out to look at some great study spots in Edinburgh. We went to to the National Library of Scotland, the Royal Mile and ended at The Elephant House. For those who don't know, The Elephant House is where JK Rowling wrote some of her Harry Potter Books! OMG, for a Potterhead this is just amazing! I think I was the only one who was excited by this. But while we were out I took some photos. I entered one of the photos and it got chosen for the short list of potential winners! OMG OMG OMG! How exciting! The prize is a new camera, which I really need. The one I have is literally 5 years old.......The winner is choosen through a combination of number of likes/comments and a panel from The Great British Magazine. If you have the time, please like the photo, and share and ask your friends and family to do so too! 

To help me win:
Click the link below
Like the Photo (comment too if you can)
And thats all!



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